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Contains the details of a stroke.

type HoleStroke {
inTheHole: Boolean
stroke: Int
strokeId: Int
from: FromType
type: ShotType
time: String
restingPoint: RestingPoint
startingPoint: RestingPoint
radar: RadarStroke


HoleStroke.inTheHole ● Boolean scalar

indicates if the stroke resulted in the ball in the hole

HoleStroke.stroke ● Int scalar

the shot number for the hole, numbers can repeat for non-counting actions such as drops

HoleStroke.strokeId ● Int scalar

the unique shot identifier for the hole

HoleStroke.from ● FromType enum

the area the shot was taken from

HoleStroke.type ● ShotType enum

the shot type

HoleStroke.time ● String scalar

the time the shot was taken

HoleStroke.restingPoint ● RestingPoint object

the location of the ball after the shot was taken

HoleStroke.startingPoint ● RestingPoint object

the location of the ball before the shot was taken

HoleStroke.radar ● RadarStroke object

the radar information for the stroke

Member of

DetailedHoleScore object